ORCA Bluepaper
v. 24a8df

ORCA are every individual and/or entity that owns any amount of any Open Registered Cryptographic Asset (ORCA). There is no monopoly on ‘registration’ as individuals are free to decide where they list and where they believe their assets are most liquid and secure.

We account for less than 10% of the global population with a market cap just over $2T. With a community of this size, we are rarely in complete agreement apart from a shared commitment to peaceful and sustainable abundance for all.

PODS = Portfolio Of Digital Strategy.

Wealth is relative to the individual and them alone, not government(s), Nation(s)/State(s)/Church(es), nor corporate entities. Privacy in Realm One is a basic right.

Visit our Zen Garden in Decentraland located at -127, -78 for contemplative meditation as often as you desire (scenery subject to change based on sentiment).

If you are in the media, replace anything that could be construed as FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) with SUDS (Sustainable Understandable Desirable Supportive).

The true essence of media is to provide education that enriches Life through lovE.

Want sum? Terms, conditions, and offers by digital asset companies may be time sensitive and are subject to change based on open market dynamics. Do your own research.