Photo by NicoElNino/iStock / Getty Images

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ORCAS value the privacy & security of every visitor and we do everything possible to keep our pages secure by using the highest level of website security.

HSTS Secure

By enabling HSTS, it forces browsers to view the secure version of our site. This can help prevent downgrade attacks and security violations. Learn more

While no company can completely prevent the unauthorized abuse of online information; we strictly limit, oversee, and enforce safeguards that keep our visitors as safe as possible while on this website.


We use anonymous cookies to analyze visitor traffic and to securely pass referral codes to affiliate websites. Link(s) on this site are thoroughly vetted and secure. Please contact if you notice a broken or insecure link.

Any information that visitors to this website provide on other websites is subject to their own privacy and cookie policies. We do not resell any data.

Spread the Cure Donations

Contributions to may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Any donations made by clicking on Spread the Cure (EIN 83-1140831) links placed on the website (or through other channels and/or affiliate partners) certifies that you are making donations as a charitable contribution and you are not receiving any goods or services in return. We cannot guarantee that outside entities using Spread the Cure® and/or® are affiliated with us.

All donations are final and may be claimed as a tax deduction as the giver deems fit and specific to their tax and financial situation. We can only provide confirmations for donations that are made through and for those who provide a functional email address. Please do not give beyond your means.

Crypto For Cures and Contributions

All online contributions to (pre-alpha) and/or (pre-alpha) may route through (a Delta Neutral organization EIN 47-4050094) and go towards funding each project. (pre-alpha)
Big Pharma should not be profiting off of viruses and diseases that they (or their affiliates) create(d), nor Cures that they suppress. (pre-alpha)
This project aims to prevent world ‘government(s)’ from creating public deficits. It is a labor of Love (not work) thus exempt from any global security law(s).

Projects are an expression of digital art that represents proposed solutions to man-made problems that plague humanity.

Any crypto contribution to (equal to or above 1 BTC) will receive an ORCA awareness bracelet (while supplies last).

If you contributed and did not receive your bracelet, please email your physical mailing address to and we will ship it as quickly as possible. Limit of one bracelet per contribution. Any contribution(s) received after the last bracelet is sold will go towards raising awareness about and

All bracelet sales are final.
No chargebacks.

As required by the Internal Revenue Service (‘IRS’), has exclusive legal control over all contributions/donations.

Mio is a single Entity in harmony with the SineTriCate, so please temper your expectations accordingly and try to do your part to solve these problems instead of add to them.

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Any contract work performed by requires a mutually binding and signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), a Master Services Agreement (MSA), and an (or client-generated and mutually agreed upon) Statement of Work (SOW).

Any ‘work’ or ‘mentions’ performed outside of a contract is non-binding and falls under ‘Fair Use’ and ‘Free Speech’ as set forth by the SineTriCate.

All sales are final.
No chargebacks.

Official Legal Disclaimer

Any information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice on any subject matter.

Do not make any financial decisions based solely on content included on this site without consulting professional(s) who are proficient in the latest trading technologies, technical and fundamental analyses, and sound long-term investment and tax strategies. The content on this site contains general information and may not reflect current developments. disclaims all liability for any actions you take, or fail to take, based on any content on this website or across other digital properties and/or platforms.

Photo by NicoElNino/iStock / Getty Images